How can 2020 vision help your business?
February 11, 2020
34 ways to make working from home a success
March 18, 2020Smart technologies
In today's smarter world we have become accustomed to replacing many aspects of our business with technology. A great example, is the simple task of writing a letter. The scroll and quill were replaced by the pen and paper. Then made easier by the typewriter, transformed by the computer and propelled in 2008 when the mobile smart phone first made an appearance.No longer are business owners writing long winded letters to their clients and sending them by post. Instead preferring to use other forms of communication such as email, and text messages.
Smart Phone Capabilities
Each year big branded telecommunications companies battle it out to see who can release the best new phone with the most advanced gadgets. Recent developments have included the release of a number of cameras, a bendable phone and those that can still function after being submerged under water.Phones are being used for accessing emails, checking social media, snapping a quick picture, online gaming and streaming videos. Not to mention the millions of apps that can be downloaded.
A smart device that has changed the way business is conducted. With the huge pressure mounting on businesses to provide an instant response to queries and complaints. It encompasses a modern way for business owners to get closer to their customers and their target market than ever before.
This is not surprising. In 2019, the average number of adults in the UK that had a smart phone was 78%. That amounts to 12.5 million people (Ukom). A survey by the Office of National Statistics shows that 100% of 16 to 24 year olds have a smart phone compared to the 65+ bracket which amounts to 40%. With most choosing to spending two and a half hours per day using their devices.Making a phone call is the last thing on people's minds as a report by Mobile Matters shows that only a quarter of users make calls with the average of five per month. This powerful hand held device has become a versatile go to piece of kit for business owners. The phone gets thinner, easier to use and more importantly it keeps getting smarter.
Why so versatile?
The most obvious advantage is its size. An average phone is between 5 and 6 inches making it perfect to fit into a person's pocket or bag. Its portability is part of its charm, taking up very little space. Rarely do we leave home without our phones and if we do it can feel catastrophic.The average battery of 4100 milliamp hours (mAh) can last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours depending on how it is used. Simple things like brightness can cause batteries to run through at a quicker rate. As does the Screen on time (SOT), the more the device is used the quicker the battery reduces. One of our biggest concerns is not having enough battery life to see us through the day.
Mobile marketing
According to IDC Research 80% of smartphone users check their mobile devices within fifteen minutes of waking up each morning. By harnessing the power of the mobile small businesses can get their content out and in front of their audience twenty-four hours a day.Incorporating the use of multi-channel mobile marketing as part of a digital strategy is becoming standard practise. Designed to reach a specific audience targeting smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, content can be sent to users with the aim of raising engagement.
Here are 5 tips to creating a useful marketing mobile campaign:
1. Mobile friendly websites - ensure your website is compatible with all smart phone devices. You will need to ensure that the layout is easy to use and that content upload is fast.
2. Email marketing - send out email campaigns aligned to be read from a phone. Create mobile landing pages so when your mobile user clicks on a link it takes them to a page that can viewed on their screen.
3. Blog posts - whilst longer blogs can increase engagement, bounce rate is also an important fact to consider. Reading long winded essays on a phone is less easy than other devices. Write shorter peices for those targeting phone users.
4. Notifications - consider using SMS notifications to send to your customers. Offer them promotional discount codes to use on your website or update them on your products and services. You must ensure you have the right to use a mobile number so check the legalities before steaming ahead.
5. Apps - a fun and engaging way to have a mini store instantly accessible by your mobile audience. Do your research to find a company that can design your app to ensure it is functional across all phone providers. A key to this is making your app compatible with Play Store and Google Play.
Smart phones have been around for the last twelve years and are not going away any time soon. If anything, their capabilities will only get more advanced meaning small business owners need to be a step ahead ensuring their whole business stays mobile.Embrace the digital age otherwise you will remain behind your competitors. And as with everything you do you must ensure that your customer service filters through to this modern way of working. Regardless of how you plan to engage with your customers, they must always come first.